Monday, 15 March 2010

The Final Poster

Final idea...

On the left is a preview of our finished poster. After creating a few draft posters, we finally decided on the idea of having an eye as the main image. As a group we thought that an eye was appropriate as the film is called "watching".
  • From doing research into colour connotations, the colour red represented blood, aggression and danger. Seeing as the genre of our film is horror, the colour red seemed to be a good choice so that the audience can automatically get a feel for what the film may include.
  • The font that has been used is called "Times and times again". We experimented with a few other font types, including "Black Chancery" and "Baskerville" , but neither of these seemed to be right. The font we have used for the final poster gives and edgy feel and is typical to that on other movie posters we looked at.
  • A typical movie poster has the titles at the bottom, so to give extra effect to our poster, we have included the names of our production company (KLM Productions) , our names, editors and photography directors. Again we used the same font as above, just much smaller so the attention is still drawn to the title.
  • Finally, the cinema release date was added and also we put the South Downs college logo at the bottom. This logo acts as a symbol for "the studio" of where the film was edited and as a group we thought this gave a nice touch to the finished poster.

  • This is a screenshot of our first draft. It still includes the same eye image and the photo of the person crouching down in the pupil, however the colour is an icy blue.
  • We liked the idea of the eye, but decided that the blue colour gave of the wrong connotations. Instead of being seen as a horror film, the blue gave of too much of a subtle feeling to it. After playing around with a few different colours, we chose to stick to the red, as seen above.

On the right is the photograph used to create the poster. Photoshop was used to create the final poster.

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